Send email with Powershell script, schedule script with Windows Task Scheduler

Here is a set of samples I used to do a common task in my scripting life.  This go around I wanted to use Powershell. 


A) Create a script to send emails in powershell
1) Open Powershell type set-executionpolicy Unrestricted 
‘This allows scripts to be run’
‘You’ll want to also look at using RemoteSigned

2) Type Notepad myscript.ps1

3) Paste sample code and save in myscript.ps1

$SmtpClient = new-object
$SmtpServer = “localhost”
$ =

$From = “Friendly Reminder <[email protected]>”
$To = [email protected]
$Title = “Subject Matter”
$Body = “Body Text” 

B) Testing Script
1) Type ./myscript.ps1
‘Verify you receive the email.  

C) How to schedule a powershell script in Windows Task Scheduler
1) Create a new scheduled task.

‘The syntax is to execute the script is:
powershell -command “& ‘SomeDirmyScript.ps1′” 

2) Set the script to run as your normal task scheduler accounts.


3) Execute task, verify you receive the email

Hope this helps,


4 thoughts on “Send email with Powershell script, schedule script with Windows Task Scheduler

  1. http://

    I am trying to use the same command in process can you please help me out here

    Dim oProcess As Process = New Process

    oProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False

    oProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True

    oProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = False

    oProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal

    oProcess.StartInfo.FileName = “powershell.exe”

    Dim sArguments as string = powershell -command “& ‘SomeDirmyScript.ps1′”


    oProcess.WaitForExit(1000 * iTimeOutSec)

  2. mahmoud

    trying to send an email using powershell. I have a working code but when I substitute “From” and “To” to variables like “From=$source
    I get an error

    working code is

    $messageParameters = @{
    smtpServer = “smtphost”
    From = [email protected]
    To = [email protected]
    Subject = “You Submitted a Job”
    Body = “Your Job Chain is submitted successfully”
    Thanks for help :)

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